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Þjónustuver HS Orku er opið alla virka daga frá 09-16

We Service you

Contact us and we find solutions that suit your home and electric car.

Simple and Convenient Installation

We can advise you on the best way to install a charging station at your house.

Prices from ISK 3.490 a month

You only pay a low fee monthly for the the charging station. With an additional monthly subscription, you pay for your home's electricity consumption.


Charge and Enjoy

We take care of all maintenance and operation. We are here to service you while you charge carefree.

Njóttu þess að hlaða bílinn heima

Með hleðsluáskrift þurfa viðskiptavinir ekki að leggja út fyrir hleðslustöð heldur borgar þú þæginlegar mánaðargreiðslur. Gera þarf ráð fyrir kostnaði vegna uppsetningar á grunneti, sem tekur mið af aðstæðum á hverjum stað. 

  • Með hleðsluáskrift ert þú alltaf með hleðslustöð sem er búin nýjustu tækni og uppfyllir ströngustu öryggiskröfur. 

  • Reglulegar mánaðargreiðslur bjóða þér upp á nútímalega hleðslustöð heim til þín.

  • Aðgangur að gjaldfrjálsu þjónustuveri til að aðstoða þig allan sólarhringinn.

  • Hagstæð kjör fyrir viðskiptavini, þú borgar sama verð fyrir rafbílinn og til heimilisnota. 

Price list for charging subscription

You only pay a monthly for the the charging station. With an additional monthly subscription, you pay for your home's electricity consumption.


General price

22 kW Charging station

3490 kr.

22 kW Smart Charging station

3990 kr.

Grants and Refunds

Cable work can be costly for customers, but the cable work must be ready before the Charging Subscription starts. You can apply for subsidies and reimbursements for the installation of charging stations.

  • A large increase in the infrastructure for electric cars has taken place in recent years and it will increase even more in the coming years.

  • Through the government's Everyone Wins initiative, you can get a VAT refund on work for the installation of a charging station

  • Many municipalities offer subsidies for electric charging in the communal parking spaces of apartment buildings.

We take care of the whole process for you

A charging subscription is a convenient and simple solution that simplifies the energy exchange for customers. Contact us and we will help you choose solutions that suit you.